Anduril Basics

This documentation makes assumptions about the user’s familiarity with Anduril.

Other Documentation and Resources

For those unfamiliar with the Anduril UI, there are numerous resources out there, such as:

The last link may be the easiest place to start for beginners.


Do not be intimidated by the complexity of the diagrams or length of the manual! Most day-to-day functions are very simple to pick up and use.

Basic Usage

This documentation uses common formatting and shorthand to convey interaction with Anduril via the flashlight button, including:



Click and immediately release the button n times

For example, 3C means click the button three times.


Click n times and hold the button down on the last click.

Stated another way, click and immediately release n-1 times then press and hold the button down.

For example, 3H means click two times then press and hold the button down.

Interpret Output and Input Prompts

Some functions such as the version check, battery level check, and voltage check output numbers as a series of blinks and pauses.

In these cases the flashlight blinks once for each number, for example three blinks is a 3.

A special case is 0 which is a very rapid single blink. Not to be confused with a regular single blink.

Some multi-part outputs such as the version may have a rapid flash between sections, while others have a pause.

Some configuration modes have the light blink very rapidly while the flashlight is waiting for an input, such as a configuration value. In most cases waiting for a few moments is equivalent to a zero and the flashlight will return to its previous state.

Version Check

From off, do 15C or more to have the flashlight blink out the version.

The version number format has changed a few times over the course of development and may be any one of the following:

  • xxxx-YYYY-MM-DD-SINCE-DIRTY (Anduril 2 as of December 2023 or later)

  • xxxx-YYYY-MM-DD (Anduril 2 from May 2023 until December 2023)

  • YYYYMMDDxxxx (Anduril 2 before May 2023)

  • YYYYMMDD (Anduril 1)

In those formats, the sections have the following meanings:


The model number of the flashlight or firmware variant.

Consult the Anduril MODELS file to see which models correspond to which numbers. In some cases a model may be newer than the contents of that file, and its entry may not have been merged into the main Anduril repository yet.


The year the firmware was compiled.


The month the firmware was compiled.


The day the firmware was compiled.


Number of commits since the last official release tag. Not present if the build corresponds to an official release.


Adds a “-1” to the end if the repository was locally modified without committing changes, otherwise it is not present.

Factory Reset

There are two ways to perform a factory reset.

Remove Power

  • Loosen the tailcap or head a couple turns.

    On models with aux lights, stop turning when the aux lights go off.

  • Hold the button down

  • Tighten the tailcap or head while holding the button down

  • Keep holding button for about four seconds

The light will briefly flicker and ramp up, then at the end it will make a bright flash. Keep holding the button until it reaches the end of that final flash. If the button is released too early, the light will not reset.

Button Method

If removing/reconnecting the battery while holding the button is difficult, use the button method to reset instead:

From off, do 13H.

The light will briefly flicker and ramp up, then at the end it will make a bright flash. Keep holding the button until it reaches the end of that final flash. If the button is released too early, the light will not reset.