Controller Chip

If there are no flashing pads, then it may still be possible to connect to the controller chip directly, but it can require extra effort. This requires attaching to the chip, such as an attiny85, with an appropriate clip, such as a SOIC8 clip.

Secured with Screws

Some lights are easy to access, with the driver board held in with a screw or two. This includes some larger lights like the Sofirn LT1 and Q8 Pro.

In these cases it’s possible to remove the screws securing the driver board and gently back it out and turn it over to access the controller chip. In some cases this can be easier than using flashing pads if the flashing pads are not in a convenient arrangement.

Secured by Glue or Other Means

Other lights are more difficult and have the board glued in or secured in other ways intended to be permanent.

Some of these are possible to get at but can be tricky. One notable example is an early revision of the Sofirn SP36 Pro, for which there is a guide later in this documentation. For other lights, search on Reddit and BLF for disassembly guides.

Still other lights make it nearly impossible to safely access the controller. They may require desoldering components or other advanced disassembly. In most cases these are simply not worth the effort of updating, but if someone has a knack for working with these components, likes modding lights, or so on, it may be a fun challenge.

The older Sofirn SC31 Pro lights fall into this unfortunate category, but thankfully newer revisions of the hardware now include flashing pads.