Unofficial Guide to Updating Anduril Firmware¶
Welcome to my unofficial guide for updating the firmware on flashlights running the Anduril user interface created by ToyKeeper (a.k.a. Selene).
Anduril is open source software (GPL) and the Anduril source code is available for anyone to download and customize.

The Wurkkos TS10, an affordable entry-level light that runs Anduril¶
This guide covers both general topics for most lights but also several specific lights or types of lights.
Naturally, there may be some focus/bias on lights I have access to since I can be much more specific about those models based on personal experience!
This documentation grew out of several posts on my blog and r/flashlight on Reddit covering a few different lights. See References for more sources.
There is a possibility of damaging the flashlight during these procedures. Proceed with caution!
Follow these instructions at your own risk!
- Anduril Basics
- Why Update the Firmware on a Flashlight?
- Accessing Light Drivers and Controllers
- Flashing Hardware
- Firmware Files
- Flashing Firmware
- Light-Specific Flashing Guides
- Updating Emisar/Noctigon (“Hank”) Lights
- Updating Emisar D3AA and other avr32dd20 3-Pin UPDI Lights
- Updating Wurkkos TS10, Sofirn SP10 Pro, and other 3-Pin UPDI Lights
- Updating a 2020 Sofirn SP36 Pro, Sofirn LT1, and other SOIC8 Lights
- Updating Fireflies PL47G2/PL47MU, Sofirn LT1, and other 3 over 3 Lights
- References
General Procedure¶
The general procedure for updating a light is as follows:
Identify the light and current firmware
Obtain appropriate programmer hardware
Obtain or craft an appropriate probe
Obtain a new firmware file
Setup programming software
Connect the programmer to the light
Test the connection with the light
Backup the current firmware
Update the light with new firmware
Perform a factory reset

Emisar DT8¶